Mother’s Day Picnic At Jardim Das Virtudes

By Gail Aguiar @ImageLegacy
Mãe (let’s pretend the ‘A’ has a tilde)

Trying to get my mother-in-law out of her kitchen requires military tactical skill, but she relents on a few occasions per year. Dia da Mãe — Mother’s Day — is one of those days.

In my history here, we managed to convince them to come over, and we hosted Year 1 (2014) and Year 2 (2015), but we were unsuccessful in Year 3 (2016). This year, Paulo coaxed her into a picnic at Jardim das Virtudes, which was no mean feat. The leverage was from a recent discussion that revealed that they didn’t know where it was… and a picnic was the perfect excuse to let them find out. Also, as you can see by the photos, we had the perfect day for it.

Here’s a satellite map of where the park is located. The main gate is at the north end of the park, where Rua De Azevedo De Albuquerque turns the corner.

Dogs are allowed at Jardim das Virtudes, so of course he came along (this park is where he had his first taste of accidentally landing in a pond!). Where there is food, there is Ice.

May 7, 2017
Album: Portugal [Spring 2017]