Most Things Eventually Evolve into Something Better

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

I like to believe that holds true for blogging as well.

As we continue to blog our hearts out, we learn what our readers like and don’t like. Our blogs begin to evolve into a more personal part of our everyday lives as we continue to think how to retain our readers interest without losing our own voice.

Most Things Eventually Evolve

Evolution is a natural thing.

We take the good and make it better. We take the bad and hide it so it can never resurface. Blogs go through this phase and if you’re not careful, you entire blog will slip off into darkness.

Don’t Let That Happen

I stepped away and took a short new journey only to figure out that I truly missed my home; my voice; and my soul.

the Evolution

My Girly Parts is evolving. We have talked about blogging, health, sex, and relationships over the past few years. I looked at the stats and the most popular stories are those about relationships, love, and infidelity.

There Is a Purpose

The purpose of MGP is clear to me know. Spread the word that others are afraid to talk about. If I expose my vulnerability to the world, readers will come. Some will share, others will read however the purpose is to make that intimate connection with those who need me; need our Community.

good Things Are Coming!

I’m not giving up on MGP and all that has been built here. I’m also not giving up on my new adventure Just Like A Fine Wine. There are two different purposes for each blog and each must remain unique in itself.

MGP will evolve into more of a relationship blog. The good, the bad, and the ugly. People can relate to relationship talk. It may even help them heal. I believe my experiences were meant to be shared to help and to comfort and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

Are You Ready?