We seem to be in the middle of a backlash against sexual harassment in this country -- and one that is sorely needed. The United States has always been a patriarchy, where men held the power and women have had to fight for every right they have (and still are not absolutely equal to men). And too many men, when they get a little power, have abused that power by using it to sexually harass/abuse/assault women.
Fortunately, it looks like the public is finally waking up to this problem. About 72% say sexual harassment is a serious problem in this country, while only 16% think it is not. And it looks like the problem may even be worse than people know. About half (50%) of women report that they have been sexually harassed, but of that 50% only 26% have reported the harassment (while 67% have not).
Why haven't women reported this egregious treatment? Too many believe they will not be believed or that nothing would be done about it, and that reporting it may even cost them a job or cause them to be the victim of retribution. We need to change that. No one should be sexually harassed, and no one should fear reporting that harassment.
The charts above show results of a recent Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between November 12th and 14th of a random national sample of 1,500 adults (including 829 women), with a 3 point margin of error.