Most Idiotic Undergrad Ever

By Dmroughton
I'm currently working on the college years chapter of the manuscript and thought some of you might want to revisit this post, which starts off the chapter:
Here is a letter from my undergraduate years at UNC. I was 20 years old at the time.
THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL Department of University Housing Division of Student Affairs CB# 5500, Carr Building
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-5500
To: Residents in Suite 839-842 FROM: D. Jones DATE: 12/2/91
While inspecting your suite during closing on November 27, 1991, it was discovered that the hallway and bathroom shared by the six residents residing in this suite was left in poor condition. This included trash bags in the hallway, beer boxes and beer cans in the bathroom, personal items left in the shower and above the sinks. In addition,there was an object hanging from the ceiling that is in direct violation of the University and State of North Carolina Fire Codes.

(See the rest of the post here.)