Most Catalans Feel Safe In Their Municipality

By Stizzard

According to a report, six out of ten Catalans feel safe in their municipalities.This comes despite reports of a slight increase in reported crimes.

The perception of public safety is maintained in Catalonia, with an average rating of 6.1 out of 10, despite a small increase in record crimes and misdemeanours, with 57.64 people per 1,000 recorded, an increase of 2.03 points per thousand inhabitants compared to the previous year.

The Minister on the Interior, Joan Saura, presented the data revealing the 2009 Report of the Securitate in Catalonia, based on interviews with 14,983 residents in Catalonia, over 16 years of age, that were made during the first quarter of 2009 on their memories of crime from 2008.

Thus, 54.2% of Catalans consider security in their town remains the same as the previous year, while 20.9% believe it has improved and 19.9% felt it was worse.

The Girona region is where the perception of safety suffered its biggest fall, from 6.4 to 5.8.