The beautiful Novospassky Monastery (Новоспасский монастырь) in Moscow. The monastery itself dates to the 14th century. It is considered to be the oldest monastery in Moscow. It was originally located inside the walls of the Kremlin.
Most of the surviving structures were completed when Mikhail Romanov became Tsar in 1612. of Several members of the early Romanov dynasty are interred in the basement of the main Cathedral which dates to 1645.
The photo below caught a scene of onion domes in the snow while an unknown girl was spending a moment of silence to pray. The main Cathedral features an area where visitors can light candles and pray for cancer victims.
Napoleon’s troops ransacked the monastery but it was restored after the French were driven out of Russia. The Communists closed the monastery and turned it into a political prison during much of the Soviet period.
In 1991 the government returned the property to the Russian Orthodox Church.
Address: Krestyanskaya pl., 10, Moskva, Russia, 115172 Hours: 7AM–8PM Moscow phone: 495 676-95-70