Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin Riding the Metro These Days?

By Mendeleyeev

Well, well, well. It might appear that if you win an election with only 52% the punishment may be to ride the Metro with normal citizens to work each morning. Don’t count on it however and even if Mayor Sobyanin came close to having to submit to a run-off, he still has a driver and a car.

(Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, standing to the right next to the door.)

So what was the mayor doing on the Metro on 19 September?

Reconnecting with the people, shaking hands and trying to appear normal. Sorry, Mayor Sobyanin, you do come across as a decent guy most of the time and you have done many good things for Moscow. But riding the subway isn’t going to convince anybody that you are just like the rest of us.

The election is over so despite what you are being told by the Kremlin, stop campaigning. You’re not fooling anyone and even that child in the stroller seems uninterested in a politician’s kiss.

You have work to do. Call your driver and get to work.