Mornings with Ralph

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

sleepshirt c/o //  nail polish

In the past, I have posted about our morning routine (you can read it here). In summary, I love the mornings. I love waking up in the morning to a brand new day, enjoying a cup of coffee, watching the Today show and scrolling aimlessly through my phone.

While mornings these days start much earlier than they used to with Ralph in the picture, I can honestly say that I have never loved my mornings more. As I mentioned in this blog post, Ralph has been a really easy baby (I’m sure that will change sooner than later), so even though our ‘mornings’ are starting earlier than they have in the past, they are very similar to how they used to be…except the best part is that I get all the snuggles.

After Ralph’s 7 am feeding, I bring him downstairs and lay him in the dockAtot in the middle of our bed. Ralph usually sleeps until I wake up him (around 9:30). While he is sleeping, I drink my coffee, respond to e-mails and stare at him (but really). After the clock FINALLY strikes 9:30, I change him and we ‘play’ until his next feeding at 10. After his 10 am, we snuggle a little more (if he hasn’t already fallen asleep), then eventually I swaddle him (this one is our favorite) and place him in his crib until I get to wake him up at 12:45 (unless he wakes up earlier) for more ‘play time’ and then his feeding at 1.

Recently, someone asked me what is a great gift for new moms or moms to be. It took be about 1 second to respond with pajamas. During my pregnancy, one of the things I ‘treated’ myself to was a cozy pair of pajamas (I bought a ton of this brand) and as someone who has NEVER splurged on pajamas, it was quite a treat to have a nice pair to wear on days when I was not feeling the best. Oh and I should add it was EXTRA nice to have a cozy pair to wear in the hospital.

Last week one of my friends, Monica, launched a sleepwear collaboration with The Sleepshirt. As someone who lovessssss jammies and somedays spends more time than she should in them (#NewMom), I was so excited to receive a piece from her beautiful collaboration. She sent me a blue and white sleepshirt (for obvious reasons) and I have loved having a new sleepshirt in my rotation. Plus, baby Ralph loves the fabric and feel of my sleepshirt during all of our snuggles.

I will forever love my mornings and I love that baby Ralph is enjoying his ‘mornings’ as much as his mom does. Funny enough, when we don’t have our ‘morning time’ or he gets off his schedule, it throws off his entire day. He is clearly my child….loves a schedule and those slow mornings.

sleepshirt // nail polish

you can see more images of our master bedroom here

images by sukilynn

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