Morning People Get on My Nerves

By Expatmum @tonihargis
I read this article today about all the things that morning people do better than me. It's all backed up by scientific data apparently so these people now have a solid reason to be smug. (I realize not all morning people are smug; it's more likely I'm being defensive!)

The article isn't really telling readers they should be morning people, indeed it starts by saying that it's more or less out of our control. We all have circadian rhythms that determine our preferred sleep cycles and, in extreme cases of morningness (made up word), some people even wake up before it's light because their bodies are telling them they've had enough sleep. (For the life of me, I cannot imagine doing that.)
So, according to the experts, morning people are -
Happier. Well of course they're happier. Have you seen a non-morning person being dragged out of bed at stupid o' clock? Ruins my entire day it does. I'd just like to see a morning person past 9pm. How happy are they then? Ah yes; shoe's on the other foot now isn't it?
Get better grades. Well the article suggests that college students who go to bed early and don't stay out all night do better in tests etc. Not exactly rocket science there. They should take a look at mature students with mature brains, who go to bed at a decent time and don't pull all nighters trying to hand their work in. I'll bet their grades are just fine.
They don't hit "Snooze". Duh - of course they don't hit "snooze", but if they did, what's wrong with that? Unless of course it's going to make you late for work/school etc. This one I find totally judgmental and befitting the morning person stereotype I mentioned above.
They're more productive in the morning. I'm not even going to comment on this blindingly obvious statement except to say that I'm WAY more productive from about noon on.
They're more conscientious - Hmmm. Perhaps they just appear more conscientious because they're bouncing around all over the place. Just because I can't hold a conversation before 8am doesn't mean I'm a slacker.
They may be nicer. What? How very dare you. Apparently they may be less likely to possess some of the Dark Triad characteristics of night owls. (Now I'm going to have to read about this and possibly write a follow up post aren't I?)
I'm also of the opinion that not-morningness (another made up word) is genetic because my ten year old can sleep for ten hours and still wake up groggy. The other morning I said "Why are you tired, you went to bed at 8.30pm?" His response? "Mom (obviously his patience was sorely tried) I'm tired because it's morning."
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.