Morning Matcha

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
Green tea, herbal infusion tea and now...matcha tea. It can be confusing to know which tea is best for which benefits and lately I've been trying out Morning Matcha* tea from Eat Clean Tea. Here's what I think...
Whilst green tea is said to be really good for you and full of health benefits, matcha goes one step further. It's said to have 137x the antioxidant levels, as unlike regular green tea, where the leaves stay within the bag (which in most cases is binned after the 3-4 min brew) matcha is the leaves ground into powder form. 

As you may have guessed, this does mean matcha has a stronger taste, although if you like green tea, you're probably already a fan of the taste. If not, you can ease yourself in gently, try a matcha latte or add some matcha powder to a smoothie or shake if a cup of it doesn't quite appeal!

Morning Matcha (in whatever form you like - shake, smoothie, straight up in a cup like me) every day can really boost metabolism, lower blood sugar and help weight loss - as part of a balanced diet of course! All of this is alongside the usual good effects of making you feel more alert, improving concentration and the vitamins and minerals included in Morning Matcha are a great detox for the body.

Eat Clean Tea are just establishing themselves as a new brand and are trying to help people achieve the same benefits they would from other teatoxes but without any of the nasty laxative side effects. Based in the UK, they say 'the idea of ‘Eating Clean’ and working out has recently become much more popular, however we believe that being healthy and looking after yourself isn’t a fad or a craze; it’s a way of life.' which is something I'm sure many other people (including myself) would agree with. For now they sell Morning Matcha, available in 1 month/3 month bundles and a similar, evening tea to be released very soon. But I'll have more on that at a later date.

Have you tried matcha tea?