Morning Glory (2010) Review

Posted on the 16 January 2021 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Becky is a hard-working morning TV show producer who focuses fully on this and has made it her life, when she is fired from a job in New Jersey. She pretty much begs Jerry for a chance for a job on Daybreak which is in New York. Taking a chance on her she must strive even further than before.


It was always going to be a very tough job for anyone to get the ratings up for Daybreak and that is something that Becky was going to do all she could to improve. Firing the male anchor on the first day might not have been a good start so she needed to find someone else to work alongside Colleen Peck. Finding out that Mike Pomeroy is still being paid by the Network but not actually working she finds a clause in his contract and forces this serious reporter to become an anchor on her show. Mike thought he was better and more serious than breakfast television.

Trying to keep the show working and getting Mike on side, Becky had to believe in herself to driving it forward. Coming up with new ideas and also has interest from Adam Bennett in her personal life. Something that she has never really had time for was love and sex. Not that it can be seen as a bad thing, she had her life long goals of wanting to achieve success as a producer and I find that to be the truly best part of the film. While we might get the hint of a romance and a couple of small scenes which are mainly interrupted by work I think it sends a good message about working hard.

Rachel McAdams is a delight in the leading role, she really does pull this off so very well. Constantly driving the film forward and sharing some fantastic scenes with Jeff Goldblum, Diane Keaton and Harrison Ford. That is certainly not an easy task to take on, but I feel McAdams shows just how strong she really is with this performance. Always managing to be likeable and fits Becky so perfectly, especially considering she wasn't convinced that she could be funny when asked about this role.

Harrison Ford is quite frankly hilarious in the role as it actually feels he doesn't want to be in the film, he is that convincing as Mike. But adds a very unique style of comedy to different scenes. Working alongside Diane Keaton, who I don't think can really do any wrong and ticks off so many genres on her big filmography.

Theres quite a lot of films based around news tv shows and I quite enjoy them in all honesty, we all watch a show similar to this whilst having breakfast for work and a little look into what might happen behind the scenes is rather interesting. Certainly more stressful for the staff than you would ever really think or give them any credit for, as it always ends up about those you see on the screen.