We are lucky enough to live very near to the fantastic Drayton Manor Park, so when they invited us down to their spooky Halloween event More Treat Than Trick last weekend we were excited to head down and check out all the festivities.
Drayton Manor certainly go all out for Halloween and we lovely the themed decorations they had put on, pumpkins galore! Thomas Land was particularly decked out and Imogen loved playing with the pumpkins and exploring, she was a particular fan of the Fat Controller and his band of scary spiders!
There is lots of fun for all the family, including a Halloween trail which you can download and print for your visit, and get a special 10th anniversary pin for completing it too!
There are lots of special events on everyday, including pumpkin carving, meet and greats with special spooky characters, trick or treating and face your fear encounters in the reptile house too, as well as all your favrourites including the ultimate haunted house, The Haunting!
We had so much fun on our day out, riding all our favourite Thomas Land rides, wandering through the Zoo and the Dino Trail and generally wandering around and taking in the lovely atmosphere. It's a great day out for all the family and is on everyday from now until November the 1st!