More Than Just One Day: The Aftermath Of Your Wedding

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

The aftermath of a wedding is a double edged sword. On the one hand, all the that's been plaguing you for weeks will be gone. You did it, it's over, and the chances are it went well. At the same time, though, it can be a confusing time. When you've worked so hard towards something, and looked forward to it for so long, it's not easy readjusting to normal life. In a lot of ways, those plans you thought you hated may leave a gaping hole in your life. You may even find that your after wedding life is a bit of come down. In truth though, a wedding is about more than one day. Here are the aftermath tasks you still need to get your head around. SENDING OUT THANK YOU CARDS If guests were kind enough to get you gifts, or even give you money, it's important to send out thank you cards . You may want to pop online and drop them a message on social media instead, but don't do it. If you're feeling at a loose end, this will be the perfect task to distract you. Plus, having a handwritten note is that bit more meaningful than a virtual message. And, isn't meaningful the name of the game when it comes to weddings? To keep the magic alive, you could match the thank you cards to your wedding invitations. It's the last chance you're going to get to do it, after all.

WAITING FOR THE PHOTOS TO ARRIVE Another thing worth remembering in the aftermath is your wedding photographs. If you opted to use someone like Vittore Buzzi photographer , you can expect your photographs any day. Depending on your photographer, they may want your input on a few more things before sending the finished product. Make sure to keep lines of communication open. And, when your photographs do arrive, make a special event of looking through them. You may want to flick through the moment they arrive, but save it until you have the time to enjoy the experience. This is the first time you'll relive your magic moments, so make it count. Around that time, you can also expect guests to start uploading photos they took to social media . Make a point of searching for those, too!

More Than Just One Day: The Aftermath Of Your Wedding

ONTO MARRIED LIFE And, let's not forget the primary job that starts after your wedding; married life. The aftermath may seem like an ending, but it's a beginning. Sorry to sound cliche, but it's the start of the rest of your life. So, turn your attention to being the best spouse you can be. You and your partner may have a period of readjustment here. You need to relearn each other. If you waited until after the wedding to move in together, you'll have a to contend with too. So, the work is far from over just because the wedding's out the way. You won't be able to mourn the planning stages for too long!