More Success With IBS and Food Intolerance

By Tonicnutrition1

IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be a chronic and debilitating illness which, according to doctors, has no cure and you basically just have to live with it. But what if you haven’t been “diagnosed” with IBS but are still suffering from similar symptoms?

Its still frustrating, painful, embarrassing at times and I’m sure pretty miserable!

I’m proud to say I have a 100% success rate with treating both IBS and general food intolerance. There is no need to suffer and literally, within 14 days, symptoms can be gone.

I’m not saying I have a cure – I haven’t. There isn’t one. But it is possible to live completely without symptoms and be in full control. Each case is always different which is why there isn’t a blanket approach for this. I have just received a lovely testimonial from a client who has been suffering for years with food intolerance.

Toxins built up from these illnesses not only affect you physically, but also mentally and emotionally too. It’s often quite a profound experience when you finally detoxify and get rid of those symptoms.

“After suffering for years with bloating, constipation and tummy pain I stumbled across Tonic on Facebook. I read through lots of her recipes and posts and decided to give it a go…..I had a chat with her on Skype and instantly warmed to her, somehow already knowing this was my path in life and was going to help me! Well a few months later and WOW! I am a changed person, all symptoms have gone (initially within 14 days!) and even my skin and hormones are feeling and looking fabulous! This is a change for life and one I’m very happy to keep going with! Lynsey is there for you every step of the way, its like gaining a fairy Godmother! Years of trying different medication from doctors who don’t care and don’t listen are a thing of the past. Natural plant based is the easy obvious choice for me and my family now. I can’t thank Lynsey enough xx”

I deal with new food intolerance clients every week. Some who have been through the medical system and even had invasive surgery to find out the problem! No matter how chronic you think your symptoms are, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to sort out.