More Proof Of Changing Views On Marijuana

Posted on the 16 January 2014 by Jobsanger
These charts are from a YouGov Poll taken on January 2nd and 3rd of this year of 1,000 randomly chosen nationwide adults, and they illustrate the changing attitude toward marijuana in this country. This poll doesn't show the clear majority support for legalizing marijuana that a Gallup Poll showed in October (with 58% approving) or the more recent CNN/ORC Poll this month (showing 55% in favor). However, if you will note, every single group (with the exception of Republicans and over 65s) has significantly more people wanting legalization than wanting to keep it illegal.
The survey also shows that every demographic group thinks the prohibition against marijuana is not worth the cost spent on it. And a clear majority of every group (except again, Republicans and over 65s) like the law in Colorado -- which legalizes marijuana for recreational use for adults, and taxes it heavily.