More Planting on the Allotment

By The Garden Smallholder @gdnsmallholder

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day and very hot, I decided to finish painting inside the shed during the hottest part of the day to avoid getting sunburn and I’m relieved to say it’s finished, hurrah! (well, just the door to do at some point!). It’s taken a while but I’m really happy with how it looks. I popped back to the plot after dinner as the sun was setting, it was much cooler and a better time to plant the borlotti beans up the hazel wigwam and get some sweetcorn in the ground.

It was getting late and I was starting to ache a bit so I didn’t get everything finished, I made my way home happy but tired. I popped back to the allotment today with our daughter (her day off work) to finish planting sweetcorn, the weather has cooled today which is much better for planting.

I took a sneaky photo of our daughter, hope she doesn’t find out….

The plot is starting to really take shape now as you can see in the photo below, the blue areas are waiting to be cleared and dug over to make more beds.

My shed is my favorite place to be, being slightly elevated I can look out over the whole allotment site and soak in the atmosphere. It makes me realize how much I missed this place and I can see my previous plot from here too.

After a bit of weeding and watering we made our way home for a cup of tea and a natter.