More of This, Less of That in 2013

By Brisdon @shutuprun

It’s always fun when the holidays are speckled with fevers, pukes and body aches – the joys of the season. My least favorite illness is making its way through our home and the homes of many of our friends – I guess the Noravirus is on a rampage in these parts. Isn't that the cruise ship phenomenon? You mean I get to experience the Noravirus and I don’t even get to go on a cruise?  That’s crap. I’d prefer a touristy port town with my vomiting, by the way.

Well, I haven’t succumbed to Nora. Not yet anyway. So far it’s just been Ken and Emma. Let’s hope that’s not my Christmas morning surprise.

I’m not sure how much I’ll be around the blogging world for the next few days. I am feeling the need to pull back, to take a break. Just like with running, sometimes it’s good to step away so you can remember why you love it again.

But, as I prepare for this hiatus I’ve been thinking about the  new year. In lieu of resolutions, I want to make a promise to myself to really focus on what makes me happy and ditch the stuff that doesn’t. Sounds basic and simple, but in this world of overstimulation, over commitments and general busy-ness, the lines can get blurred.

This year with the tragic loss of Sherry, Lucky’s passing and the horrible events at Sandy Hook and other spots, I’ve thought a lot about what is really important.

Taken from my back porch in March

Yes, happiness is a choice and a result of our outlook, the people with whom we surround ourselves and what we choose to focus on. For me, I need more of some things and less of others.

More      Less

Reading good books   Reading magazines, Facebook, etc.

Runs with no/little attention to pace/time   Focus on what the Garmin says

Face to face time with friends and family   Emails and texts with friends and family

Listening to my body   Minimizing pain/discomfort/anxiety

Slowing down and being deliberate   Rushing through/forgetting to be  present

Time running the Colorado trails   Time on asphalt

Breaks to make a cup of tea and breathe   Forgetting to stop and clear my head for a minute

Talking to strangers, being open   Getting so lost in my own world I don’t reach out

Time spent in my community volunteering
or doing cultural things   Time spent between the walls of my house

Giving   Taking

Trips to the farmer’s market for fresh stuff   Relying on grocery store produce

Self acceptance   Caring what others think

Sleep   Letting the “to-do” list steal my rest

Invites to people to come over   Caring if my house or dinner is “perfect”

Attention to/acceptance of my unique self   Comparing with others

Time with those who make me feel good   Time with those who don’t

Peace of mind, faith and acceptance   Worry about what I can’t control

Just some of my intentions for continuing to create a quality and balanced life.

What do you need more and less of?

It’s been great hanging out with you all this year. Your insights and comments have made me laugh, cry, think, and have helped me stay inspired. See you here next year – same time, same place?

Much peace and happiness from my home to yours…