More of My Reddit Enemies

Posted on the 12 July 2016 by Calvinthedog


Damn, Reddit must be SJW Central! That place is so shot through with PC and the Cultural Left that I cannot believe it. Needless to say, most people on Reddit despise me.

Here are some idiots on a Reddit called “I Am Very Smart.” Many of these Reddits are set up just for SJW-Reddit smart asses to troll around the Web and look for “idiots” who they can tear apart. Examples: Bad Linguistics, Bad Science, Bad History, I Am Very Smart, Nice Guys. They’re all set up to find people’s prose on the Web and rip it to pieces. Don’t people have anything better to do? I think there is something wrong with smart asses who sit around all day tearing down other people for being ignorant. What’s wrong with being ignorant? We’re all ignorant about some things. So what.

The sort of person who trolls around the we looking for “idiots to tear apart for being ignorant” is what I would call an asshole. It’s someone who spends their whole life tearing other people down for being ignorant. Suffice to say, people like this should not be caught within 1,000 feet of any classroom. If you hate ignorant people, the last thing you should be doing is teaching. I really don’t mind goodhearted ignorant people. So they’re ignorant? So what? Better to be ignorant than to be a mean-spirited piece of shit.

I would like to point out that a lot of their critiques are very poor and shitty. With me in particular they go through my stuff with a fine tooth comb, looking for all manner of petty things to nitpick it to death about. A lot of their critiques of my stuff are not even good critiques. They’re crappy critiques. Nitpicking stuff to death isn’t good criticism. It doesn’t show you’re a good critic. It shows that you’re a smart-ass, that you’re arrogant and that you are a huge asshole.

I do not even think this I Am Very Smart critique of me is all that good. Mostly it’s just lame, assholes being assholes for sheer sadism. I’m an adult, a real grownup, and I graduated from 8th Grade a very long time ago. I don’t see the point in tearing people to pieces just to be a dick or show how smart you are. That’s so 8th Grade.