More Michael Brodkorb Bills to Lege

Posted on the 11 September 2013 by Doggone
cross posted from MNPP

follow the money, or the lack of it
The lege is dealing with more financial matters than that of state disaster relief – unless you use a very loose definition of the term disaster.
More bills were presented to the state senate this week for the defense of the Michael Brodkorb apparent attempt at shake-down suit.
The only coverage of the event appears to come from Tim Pugmire over at MPR on Monday:
State Senate gets another big legal bill in Brodkorb case
The cost for the Minnesota Senate to defend itself against a lawsuit brought by former Republican staffer Michael Brodkorb has now topped $319,000.
Lawmakers are expected to approve the latest invoice of $91,630 today during a Senate Rules Committee meeting. The 12-page invoice from the Larkin Hoffman Daly & Lindgren firm covers legal work done in May, June and July.
Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook, said said he expect more bills to come as the defense continues.
“We don’t feel as an employer that we’ve done anything wrong,” Bakk said. When employees come to work at the Senate they sign a form that says they’re an at-will employee. This employee was no different than any other.”
The case is set to go to trial next July. Attorneys are preparing to interview key witnesses and gathering information for the case.  When the total bill reached nearly $230,000 earlier this year, senators budgeted an additional $500,000 for the case.
Every time we see one of these bills, I have to ask, again – how much is Brodkorb’s legal expense totalling, and who is paying for it? For that matter, he doesn’t appear to have much in the way of a source of income; so who is paying for his living expenses, and presumably those of his family – not that he seems to have ever given them much thought in all this. So who pays for those expenses?
As we have seen in the rampant hypocrisy on the right, from Tony ‘fiscal responsibility’ Sutton, and now from Michael ‘character assassination of others’ hypocrite Brodkorb, we should not neglect where their money comes from and where it goes (or doesn’t go).
It seems a reasonable assumption that a law firm wouldn’t take a case this week on spec or contingency fee.  It is also a reasonable assumption that the costs on Brodkorb’s side is as high or higher than the bills floating into the lege for this silly suit.
So, who is footing the bills, hmmmmm?  Its not like Brodkorb is a powerhouse of any kind at the moment, financial or influential……ahh, if ONLY we could follow the money……there must be a very good story there.  Brodkorb doesn’t appear to have either money or power of his own, so what IS the ‘currency’ that is paying for this suit?