It would be premature to address the latest senseless shooting as we continue to receive details. So instead it is appropriate to play the Fiore animation from earlier this month, so prophetic, but for once not fun or funny.
As we are in the sentencing phase of the trial of the Movie Theater shooting 3 years ago this week, we have another shooting in a theater in Lafayette, Louisiana. Louisiana is a notoriously lax gun law state. The shooter fits the classic gun hugger profile -- old, white, flabby and crabby. And dead.
It would be premature to address the latest senseless shooting as we continue to receive details. So instead it is appropriate to play the Fiore animation from earlier this month, so prophetic, but for once not fun or funny.
It would be premature to address the latest senseless shooting as we continue to receive details. So instead it is appropriate to play the Fiore animation from earlier this month, so prophetic, but for once not fun or funny.