HI PEEPS. I HAVE A GUEST POST almost ready but it involves a decent chunk of time to type up. Rather than rush through it, I'll post it next week with this little teaser. You'll enjoy it so remember to check back, okay?
Because I work in front of a computer screen all day, my mental health requires a few (or many) diversions. One of them is this oh so cute, live Kitten Rescue Camera.
For those few of you that don't know, I'm a huge cat person. So is the hubster and the kidsters. We have 4 furry felines at home and when I'm away I miss them. So Kitten Cam to my rescue.
I took these (not perfect) photos with the newly discovered "Snipping Tool." Thank you Bill, head of our Tech department for enlightening this person who uses computers just like she drives.That is, with no idea what's under the hood. If you drive and compute like me andyou're not aware of the "Snipping Tool" just say the word and I'll enlighten you.
Leia on the left and Yoda,
hiding beside her.
Aren't they adorable?