All of this BS is coming from Bigfooters. Who else! They are quote mining the site and deliberately taking things out of context in order to present me in the worst way possible, and in addition, they are making things up altogether. They know completely what they are doing, and they are just making stuff up to make me look bad. It’s character assassination.
Unfortunately, most of it centers around charges of “pedophilia.” We are currently in the midst of a sexual mass hysteria surrounding “pedophilia.” The vast majority of what is called pedophilia now is not any such thing, and the vast majority of people called pedophiles now are anything but, but don’t let that get in the way of a mass hysteria.
Briefly, pedophilia, in its most broad form, means sex with children either 12-under or under the age 12 (definitions differ). Sex between adults and persons 13-17 may be a lot of things (mostly it is illegal) but it’s not pedophilia! In fact, it’s not even abnormal!
There was a major effort in the latest DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) of Mental Disorders to expand the definition of pedophilia to include persons around the age of puberty (12-14). They called it either ephebephilia or hebephilia, I forget. They tried to turn ephebephilia into a new mental disorder (probably to get more guys locked up forever in sex offender charges as mentally ill so they can never let them out of prison), but it failed completely. The definition read that the person has fantasies about sex with a 12-14 year old and is either bothered by them or has acted upon them.
The psychiatrists agreed that:
1. Ephebephilia is not a mental disorder or mental illness.
2. Ephebephilia isn’t even abnormal!
I know the last one might shock you, but that’s what they said. In other words, it’s perfectly normal to fantasize about having sex with 12-14 year olds, according to the association of US psychiatrists. They didn’t even want to say it was abnormal to have sex with them, which is sure to shock a lot of folks.
What is going on here is a conflation of sex with teenagers 13-17 with sex with children 12-under. In truth, they are completely different things. Sex with young children is known as child molestation of sexual abuse or a lot of other things. Sex with teenagers is not child molesting or sexual abuse or pedophilia or any such thing. Mostly, it’s just illegal. They used to call it statutory rape, which is probably the best way to look at it. Whatever it is, it’s not a mental illness.
And certainly it is 100% normal for adult males of any age to be attracted to teenage girls aged 13-17. Many lab studies have proven just this. I would say that 95% of all men react sexually to a fully developed teenage girl. The 5% who do not are obviously gay. So apparently 95% of all men are pedophiles!
I have repeatedly stated my position on statutory rape on this site. The law says it’s illegal. Society doesn’t like it, and we are currently in the midst of a seriously insane mass hysteria about the subject whereby statutory rape is ludicrously conflated by pedophilia. I would advocate all that all males aged 20 and over obey the laws and law off the jailbait teenage girls. Guys age 18-19, I have no position on this. Are they getting arrested for this too now?
If you mess around with jailbait, you may well get caught. And if you get caught, you will probably be convicted. After you are convicted, you will probably go to prison, not jail. Even prison populations are insane now, and guys going down on having sex with 15 yr old girls are getting beat up in there as “child molesters.” Worse, the papers will insanely write up your case as a “child molestation case.” They will call you “child molester” or “pedophile.” For what? For screwing a teenage girl.
After you get out, you will have to register on the Sex Offender list for the rest of your life, that’s assuming they don’t try to give you a DSM diagnosis so they can put you in a mental hospital after you serve your sentence, a hospital that they will never release you from. This was the reason for sneaking ephebephilia into the DSM, so they could give guys messing with 13-14 year old girls DSM mentally disordered sex offender (MDSO) diagnoses so they could lock them up forever. Thank God they shot it down.
One of the charges is that I admitted to having sex with a 13 yr old girl on my site but then deleted the reference. Nope, never happened. Never been with a 13 year old girl. Maybe next lifetime! If it would have happened, it would have been when I was around ages 16-18, but the opportunity never availed, and after that, the very idea seemed weirder and weirder. I actually had some opportunities as a schoolteacher, with girls propositioning me right in class in front of everyone, but I turned them down.
I was 27 years old and teaching school in LA in the South Bay. The class was 8th grade. The kids started yelling out, “Hey, see that girl there? She wants to have sex with you!” I was like, “Huh LOL? No. No way. No way is this happening to me.” But they kept it up. Finally I put down my book and walked over to the girl. She was 13, and she was incredibly beautiful.
At age 27, 13 year old girls looked way better to me than they do now. The difference is like night and day. I really think these jailbaits look way better to younger guys than to us older guys. As a man gets older, those teen hotties just look less and less enticing.
The kids were saying, “She wants to have sex with you! She wants you to meet her in the park after school so she can have sex with you!” They were laughing and shouting and carrying on. So I sauntered over to her table. She was beautiful and blonde and had a good body. “So…” I asked. “Is it true? You want to have sex with me? You want to meet me in the park after school so you can have sex with me?” She looked straight ahead and nodded her head shyly but frantically, like she was a little embarrassed. I started laughing really hard, shook my head and walked away, and that was that. Needless to say, I never took her up on her offer.
The other charge is that I bought and did drugs and then had a relationship with a 15 year old girl. Yep, it’s all true! But I was 20 years old at the time! Haven’t done any such thing since I was 21. My conscience is clear. If a 20 yr old guy screwing a 15 yr old girl makes me a “pedophile,” hey, no problem – I guess I’m a pedophile then!
Another charge is that there are pedophiles in the comments sections. Every now and then pedos do show up in the comments section for whatever reason, along with guys who are not pedos but are interested in such things or on the verge molesting kids. Usually posters who are anti-pedo or anti-child molesting take them on pretty quick and start pounding them really good and hard, and then the pedo-molester types typically take off.
I certainly don’t ban pedophiles or even child molesters from my site. Anyone can post here, even serial killers. None have showed up yet, but I won’t ban them if they do.
Wait, I do ban Republicans. But then I like pedophiles way better than I like Republicans. 1 Republican is worse than 100 pedophiles.