More Deep Thoughts from the iY Generation…

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Last month I did a post on the iY Generation (#me!), highlighting the deep thoughts they post on Tumblr. Today, I give you these brilliant reflections…

 “I hate it when people say that ‘abortion is a woman’s issue’ it’s a uterus bearer’s issue. Everything isn’t always about you, cisgender women.”

“Reasons abortion should be fully covered on all insurance plans: If you can’t afford an abortion, you definitely can’t afford a pregnancy. If you can’t afford an abortion, and are forced to carry a pregnancy to term anyway, you sure as hell can’t afford a child. Who the fuck do you think you’re really protecting here?” (Apparently this person is not aware adoption.)

“The reason women are turning you down for casual sex seems to be that, for one thing, a lot of you are calling them sluts afterward. Also, a lot of you aren’t bothering to try to be good in bed.”

 “skelogender definition: a gender that’s a big part of you and come from deep inside but is obscure and unknowable. A gender that’s unique to you – it’s you and while it’s probably not clear to others it keeps you together.”

“Do you think it matters how many people someone has slept with?” No, and it particularly bothers me that women are held to a different standard on this front than men. Also, it’s such a weird thing to care about. Like, imagine if I tried eating Cheerios for breakfast. Would Cheerios be like ‘I’m the 48th cereal you’ve tried eating!? I don’t feel special.’ Well then screw you Cheerios, I can’t go into the past and uneat all those cereals, but that doesn’t mean I don’t genuinly enjoy your wholegrain crunch…”

“We will ask nothing. We will demand nothing. We will take, occupy.”

One of OWS’s finest…

“Gender and sex are the same thing. Gender is merely sex that has hit the social sphere. The idea that sex is an actual real thing that bodies have is just another excuse that people use to misgender trans people. My body is female because as a female person, me, possess this body. Sex is an oppressive and inaccurate social construction that allows cis and/or dyadic people to hide behind a facet of science they don’t even understand.”

“the fact that pretty teeth are only known as ‘white’ and ‘straight’ is a manifestation of our hatred for minorities.”

“BDSM (bondage, dominance, sadism, and masochism) is weird but arent we all the subs to capitalisms dominance”

“I feel like the ‘radical’ part of (t)werf should just be cut out bc I really don’t care what you want to call your feminism, but denying women safe places due to their genitalia isn’t radical at all, it’s literally parroting patriarchal ideology”

so what is it that constitutes a “real” pronoun? is language, and our conceptualization of it’s role in identity politics inherently flawed? are our ideas about what constitutes “real pronouns”, “real English” and “real grammar” not inherently gatekept on the basis of race, class, gender and socioeconomic status, ans skewed through a colonialist lens? what you’re doing, is taking the argument into reductio ad absurdum territory and invalidating the idea that we are allowed to choose or prounouns, fuck up language, create spaces, self define and change the way we interact with gendered language.”

“if u can’t construct a coherent or comfortable non-dude gender identity for yrself, you gotta work to tear down misogyny in yrself and yr male peers.”

As a fat person, I’m not allowed to fail academically or at my career. If I lose my job or don’t get into college, I’m not eligible to join the army. I don’t fit into into the uniforms at Hooters. I would never get a job as a stripper. I’m not allowed to use my body when my mind isn’t enough to keep me employed.(Feminists revolt!)