More Bad Numbers For GOP Congressional Candidates

Posted on the 01 July 2018 by Jobsanger

These charts show the results of the latest Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between June 24th and 26th of a national sample of 1,500 adults, with a 3.1 point margin of error.
These results do not paint a good picture for Republicans in the coming election. The Democrats lead by 5 points on the generic ballot, and probably even worse for Republicans is the women's vote. While men prefer Republicans by 4 points, women prefer Democrats by 13 points -- and women vote in larger numbers than men do.
Trump has been trying to blame Democrats for the dysfunction of the current Congress, but the public is not buying it. They know the GOP controls both houses of Congress, and they blame them for the Congress achieving nothing (but damaging Obamacare and causing insurance premiums to rise, and giving the rich a massive tax break) by a huge 30 points.
Then we come to the final chart, which may be the most important in the coming election. By a 16 point gap, they want their congressional candidates to be less like Trump instead of more like him. Bad news for the Republicans who had to embrace Trump to get through a GOP primary.