More 5* Reviews for Sonnets From the Spirit

By Mba @mbartoloabela

It may be helpful helpful to think of these sonnets as prayers that rhyme. The meticulously crafted first person narratives, each one containing a volta that depicts the narrator's mind coming to a fresh realisation of the nature of divinity, show God's power at work in the world in a variety of settings. Whether the subject of the sonnet is a saint, a sinner or simply a flawed person whose relationship with God requires improvement, slowly feeling their way towards enlightenment using the handholds of rhyme and metre, they will eventually realise - perhaps too late - that they are part of a pattern more wide, deep and beautiful than they can comprehend entirely. The elegant form of the sonnet, a staple of poetry for hundreds of years, is therefore used as a microcosm of the divine reason or Logos in which all this book's readers live and move and have their being.

The author is gifted with a rare intelligence tempered with understanding and piety which he uses to enter the heads of a heterogeneous range of Biblical figures. Although their corporeal forms became dust millennia ago, their spirits continue not only in whichever extra-mundane afterlife they now inhabit, but also in the pages of this slender yet deeply intriguing volume.

(Source: Amazon UK)