Mooch Says Obama is Always in the Bathroom, Singing

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Yesterday, it dawned on me that we haven’t seen Mooch in the news for a long time now.

If I’ve noticed it, then others, like Matt Drudge who have their ears to the ground, must also have noticed it.

I was about to do a post asking why Mooch’s been strangely absent. Then, this morning, Drudge Report has a link to an interview Mooch did on BET last night with Bow Wow and Keshia Chante.

Mooch says about her POS husband: “He’s got swag.”


Note: “Swag” is urban slang for “cool.” But the Urban Dictionary also has another meaning (no. 4) for “swag”: “Secretly. We. Are. Gay”


Then Mooch says about Obama: “He sings all the time. He’s in the bathroom all the time just singing.

Do you find it just a tad disturbing that the most powerful man in the world — the President of the United States who has his finger on the nuclear button — is “in the bathroom all the time just singing?”

Maybe he’s doing “la la la la la la la la” in the bathroom to drown out those inner demons mocking him for his falling poll numbers.

The latest CBS News Poll says Obama’s approval rating has dropped to 37% — a 9-point drop from 46% just a month ago.

The approval rating for Obamacare is 31%, the lowest number yet recorded in CBS News Polls and a drop of 12 points since a month ago. Although 6 of every 10 Democrats still support Obamacare, that is a drop of 16 points from last month.

On Monday evening (Nov. 18), the POS told a conference-call audience of “progressive” volunteers that “more than 100 million Americans” have successfully signed up for health insurance via Obamacare:

“In the first month alone, we’ve seen more than 100 million Americans already successfully enroll in the new insurance plans.”

The total population of the United States is less than 314 million.

I think the POS has jumped the shark and is now delusional.
