Montreal Anarchist Bookfair Coming Up

Posted on the 12 April 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

from Anarchist Bookfair

This May 25 and 16 is the next Montreal Anarchist Bookfair- “During the weekend, there is a Anarchist Film Room (this year for two days) screening alternative films and documentaries, while the walls of the Bookfair venue are covered with the works of anti-authoritarian artists as part of Art & Anarchy. This year also features two theme rooms: the Autonomous Media Room (Saturday) & the Anarchist Families Theme Room (Sunday).

Free childcare is available at the Bookfair at the Kid Zone; kids and parents are welcome and encouraged to attend!

There are also workshops and presentations throughout the weekend, in English and French. Some are intended as introductions to anarchism for those who are new to anarchy, while others explore an anarchist-themed subject in some depth.”

This year, on Saturday May 25 at 1pm there will be an Earth First! Presentation No System but the Ecosystem: Earth First! and Anarchism.  Hope to see you there!