I am very impressed with my showroom! The $30 flats really help though, I wouldn't normally be excited by them. Gina in pink might just find her way home to me. I also love Annie in green and Sophia in... all colors. If Leigh was available in a cognac color I would probably snatch her up too! By the way, Gina is 2.5" and Sophie is 3.25"! I am loving pointy toe heels lately!!
Now on to JustFab! If JustFab had the same color palette as Shoedazzle I would probably just stick with JustFab but their colors seem a lot more boring in comparison right now, I hope they add more colors soon!
I'm not really feeling anything in my showroom, except maybe Avoca and Charity. After looking through a couple friend's showrooms, I'm really liking the Ida flat and the Fabiola boot! My JustFab showroom has way too much gray for my liking. If they could add just a drop more color I would be so happy!
You can click here to create a JustFab account and get 50% off your first purchase! All clutches, jewellery and flats are just $25 with a full price purchase! JustFab has a Dereon collection out right now too from Beyonce!
You can also click here to create a Shoedazzle account and get 20% off you first purchase! Shoedazzle has some awesome things out this month with LOTS of color, and they are starting to release some awesome boots for the fall too!