I literally had to pinch myself, and say “sh** I’m really doing this, I’m a full on entrepreneur, clients not only want to hire me, but people actually want to work with me!” It honestly couldn’t come at more perfect time either. I just don’t have the time anymore to focus on things like post on Facebook, update forms or even research vendors and prices. When it comes to being a successful event planner or stylist you simply can’t do it all on your own. I couldn’t be more thrilled to have her join my team, but I definitely underestimated how much it takes to create a University worthy internship program, power to all you teachers!
I definitely believe this month flew by because I didn’t really take a day off. Rest and relaxation is key if you want to succeed, but I didn’t give myself much of that. Although, I love what I do and don’t see it as “work”, I still need the time to craft, paint or simply sit to do NOTHING. Even though I will be busy working on decor pieces for parties, and prepping my intern to take over certain things while I’m away, this month I didn’t book any orders or events for the weekends. I needed and deserve it.
I want to be able work full-on during the week and enjoy my weekends to garden, grill with family and be fresh and ready to go on vacation. I’m looking to find my version of work life balance and actually have the leisure time to focus on my website redesign and be creative, like practicing my calligraphy again.
With that, I totally failed at the “turning off” and going to bed early thing. I’ve been waking up a bit later than I’d like and could really use those extra moments during the day I spent in bed. In April I gave my body a nice cleanse, and this May I’m giving my mind a cleanse. My mediations have been invaluable and I’ve also got myself healing crystals that I’ve begun learning about. It’s not only intriguing, but extremely grounding. To say I’ve felt an immense sense of calm, even in moments of non-stop work, is an understatement.
Overall, I feel great, but more than anything, grateful for a lot of things; where I’m at in my life, my career, my family, their health and love. But on the other end, what is happening throughout the world is absolutely heartbreaking, I cry almost everyday at a story I hear. I’ve accepted I can’t control everything in the the world around me, but I know spreading more love, hope and kindness is contagious.
Have you noticed, I have this thing with capturing tulips up close and personal. Sometimes I feel they’re just like me, they see sunshine and they open up like crazy like “hello sun! I’m going to open up real big for you!” Their beautiful colors, texture and shapes when they’re fully bloomed, are my favorite. The end of March’s frost really messed up with most of my garden tulips, but the ones that have come out to play have been beauties.
Now that May is here, there’s no sign of bitter cold to tamper with the soil, so it’s time, finally, to start planting all the veggies! I often refer to Mother Nature as my homegirl, and I anticipate getting down and dirty with her each year. I’ve decided to plant less variety this year, but instead more of the vegetables I know grow well in our soil and we eat the most of.
Oh, and in case you haven’t noticed Cherry Blossom season has been beautiful! They’ve actually bloomed later this year because of the weather, but boy have they been stunners! Most associate DC with having the most flowering trees, but it’s actually here in New Jersey that reigns cherry blossom season, at least in the US of course. I took Marley to the the vet last week and was graced by a row of endless pretties. I literally stood underneath each tree just gazing up at their beauty, envisioning I was somewhere pretty and romantic, a la Paris.
It didn’t matter if they appeared along the road while running errands or across the street at my neighbor’s home, every time I spotted cherry blossoms I couldn’t help but smile, and feel beautiful and happy. It’s no surprise they’re one of the most photographed things come Spring.
Now that the weather has been nothing but lovely, I’m planning on taking on a lot of my Spring Goals, including more day trips. I didn’t hike at all last year, and that’s not okay in my book, so before I leave for vacation I’m definitely planning on hitting the trails. And on the top of my list, visiting the NJ Botanical Gardens! I can’t believe I’ve yet to visit, and just know it’s going to be a lovely day. These are the kind of activities I actually enjoy doing on my own, I can take in all the natural beauty and photograph at my own pace, stop to meditate or write if I want to. Plus, I have a good feeling it’s going to make it to the top of my wedding venue list.
I have this feeling great things are happening, whatever it may be, I’m ready for it and I can’t wait to have you along for the ride.
Here’s to a wonderful month of May!