Monthly Ascendant/Rising Sign Reports for April 2013

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

I am so sorry to announce that I am having to temporarily suspend writing my monthly Rising Sign/Ascendant reports. The reasons are very simple – they are financial. These reports take a long time to put together and write and I literally cannot afford to give up so much time for free at the moment.

In the past couple of months I have had to deal with some unexpected financial issues that have left me virtually “on the edge”. It takes a huge effort on my part to keep this blog, my Facebook page and my website up to date and fresh with new Astrological information and interesting articles to read.

Without clients – yourselves coming along and ordering services and readings, then I literally cannot exist and thrive. All Astrologers are feeling the pinch of the world downturn in the economy, myself very much included. Right now, I am at a real crisis point, and I feel so bad for you all that I am having to make this kind of decision.

If you love this site and my work, then please support me. I am still available to do personal readings and reports and I have a selection on my readings page which you can access by clicking on my portrait picture on the right hand side of my blog. Alternatively you can order a report from the link below.

My reports and readings page - Transits reports - Skype readings - Natal Charts etc...

If my financial position allows in the future, then I will reinstate these monthly reports, the ones I have had so much positive feedback from. I hope you all appreciate where I am coming from, and understand the difficult decisions that I am having to make…

Many thanks,
