Its birthstone is the amethyst which symbolises piety, humility, spiritual wisdom, and sincerity. February'szodiac signs are Aquarius (until Feb 18) and Pisces (Feb 19) onwards.
So what's been happening for us in February:
It's been the month of one year ons.
One year since hubby's sister, hubby and their 3 girls moved out to Australia. We are really close with them and we spent many days, evenings and even holidays together. I cannot believe it has been a whole year since they left and since we have seen them. We speak to them regularly on the phone, skype etc.. however it is not the same, we miss them terribly. The good thing is they love it out there and seem really happy and we are discussing the possibility of meeting half-way in Thailand to all have a holiday together.
I just hope we will get to see them soonIt was a year ago when Summer came to live with us, you can see my full story here. Our beautiful little princess is blossoming and growing up very quickly.
My dad celebrated his 74th birthday.
Paul and I celebrated our 17th Valentines together, he also had a small operation on the same day, so when we got home we stayed in and ordered a takeaway.
Sadly my great-nanny passed away, she was the amazing age of 102 years old.
Lewis had his 11th Birthday, we went to Pizza Hut, and watched Troy DVD when we got back. He had a great big chocolate birthday cake - Lewis is a chocoholic.
We got our newest pet which the boys named Shadow, and Shadow is a Bearded Dragon. He settled in his new home quickly and we all enjoy him very much as a pet.
The boys taught Summer how to give the 'Respect' hand gesture they use with each other - this is done by making a fist with your hand, turning your fist parallel using it to then bump your fellow participant's fist, exclaiming 'Respect'. Summer now runs up to everyone and greets them with the gesture of her fist and saying 'S'pect'. It is very cute.
Summer clonked the TV with the remote and it smashed the screen inside (arrrgggh), luckily we had product insurance, and they came and picked it up the following day, unfortunately it was a write off, but they did give us a voucher to replace it.
Liam is still saving up for his gaming PC, driving me nuts as he wants me to lend him the rest, but I am determined that he saves his money up and does this himself.
Jacob spent his money he got from Christmas on Disney Infinity, so it has been death by Disney Infinity, and he will only play it on the Lounge TV, so hogging the TV. Jacob has also been very involved with Shadow the Bearded Dragon, he has to get him out and hold him a couple of times a day, feed him, and generally just really interested in looking after him.
February was an eventful month of ups and downs! What was your February like?