Monsters Are In Our Congress (& Their Policies Kill People)

Posted on the 07 May 2019 by Jobsanger
Monsters Are In Our Congress (& Their Policies Kill People)
Monsters Are In Our Congress (& Their Policies Kill People) The preamble to the Declaration of Independence made it clear that our forefathers considered the people of this country to have rights. And the right they considered most important, the one they listed first, was the right to life.
The right to life supersedes all our other rights. While all our rights are important, none of the others matter without the right to life.
Sadly, we now have monsters roaming the halls of our Congress. They are elected officials (mainly Republican) who don't believe in the right to life for Americans.
In April, Senator Kamala Harris (D-California) said that about one out of four diabetes patients cannot afford their insulin. That's a shocking statement, but it is true. A reasonable person would think this is a problem that Congress should be addressing. Unfortunately, they are not.
Why? Insulin is not a luxury for diabetes patients. It is a requirement to prolong their lives. One would have to be a monster to not make sure they can get that life-saving drug.
But it doesn't stop there. Many other Americans cannot afford other life-saving drugs. Too many have to choose between food or rent and buying the drugs they need. And then there's preventative care. About 17,000 Americans die every year unnecessarily -- simply because they could not afford the preventative care that would have saved their lives. And that preventative care is currently denied to millions of Americans that don't have health insurance.
Democrats partially solved the problem with Obamacare, but that law needs to be strengthened. It doesn't cover everyone with health insurance, and doesn't control the costs of health care. Democrats now want to make Obamacare better -- by either creating a public option or going to a Medicare-for-All system. They understand that decent health care should be a right of all citizens, because without it the right to life is denied.
Republicans don't believe health care is a right of all Americans. They view health care as a product to be sold to those who can afford to buy it (or afford to buy insurance that can help them pay for it). And they don't seem to care that poor and working class Americans can't afford the drugs or preventative care they need to sustain their lives.
Republicans are currently in court try to abolish Obamacare. Do they have a plan to replace it and cover all Americans with health insurance. NO! They have been trying for over 9 years now to come up with a plan, and they have been unable to do it. They are perfectly willing to take health insurance away from millions more people, and they have blocked all attempts to let the government negotiate drug prices with Big Pharma.
The simple fact is that for Republicans, corporate profits are more important than American lives. And their policies kill thousands of Americans every year. THEY ARE MONSTERS -- and so are the people who keep electing them.