The big difference between the Monk’s Tripel Ale and the Reserve is that the Reserve is brewed using their house grown native American hops which are from the neomexicanus subspecies. Sierra Nevada Brewing will be releasing a beer using this subspecies in their Single Hop series later in 2014.
Appearance: Lightly hazy light gold, beige head, solid retention.
Aroma: Earthy, herbal, sage, mossy, grassy, grape/white wine notes.
Taste: Honey, biscuit, herbal notes with a spicy finish.
Overall Impression: The neomexicanus hops definitely give this beer a different character than their regular Tripel. It adds a much more herbal and grassy tone to the beer. With a medium-long finish, this beer is balanced a bit towards the sweetish side. Again, this is another interesting and tasty Benedictine brewed, American interpretation of a Belgian classic. Worth the taste if you can find it.
Availability: Select Southwestern States and Mid-Atlantic States. You can view their website for a more detailed list of what states they’re in with which products.
9.2% ABV