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It's important that we educate our children on the dangers that they can get into online. It is also important that we educate our children about why we are monitoring their activities. Most of us may feel that our kids will not like the accountability that monitoring software will bring. The truth is that most kids like boundaries. Some of our children may already be engaged with activity that they know is wrong. By putting a monitor in place we can help alleviate that guilt by bringing in accountability. If they have not been engaged in dangerous online activity then putting a monitor in place could keep them from every getting into trouble. It simply cannot be ignored. If you have minor children then you should be monitoring their online activity. We are not professional psychologists, but we are parents that love our children and who have a responsibility to keep them safe. Today, that means we need to keep them safe while they are online.
We have a great code for you to save some money on this awesome software!
Have you even used an online monitor for your family?
What keeps you from trying one out?