Money Where Your Mouth Is

By Citizenrosebud @citizenrosebudz

Settle Down: Some recent gaffs at IFB caused a big stir, but it's time to get back up.

Whoo-weee, peeps! What a fashion-blogger-roller-coaster we've been on! Broohau-ha and such forth, the IFB fiasco seems to be settling down, and we are left where we are.
And just where is that you ask?
Well, at a crossroads of sorts. I've said my piece (Rest In Peace, IFB.) And now it's time to move on.
As I stated before (probably many times) that it's good to focus on the folks who inspire our style, and celebrate the original. I've no intention of dissing anybody, I'd rather focus on some good ol' fashioned QUALITY peeps, who inspire MY style.
Looks like even "the mean girls" of Shamepuff got in on the action. Not satisfied with calling out bullshit on blogs, specifically fashion blogs, Shamepuff and its sister site Get Off My Internets, can dish the dirt, but they also can hand out some compliments. Not that long ago, on GOMI, was our very own Vintage Vixen, getting some words of praise in a venue usually reserved for scathing rebukes. Well, yet another +40 goddess, I mean blogger, elicited praise from the tough love GOMI crew.

In a new feature christened PRIDEPUFF, the lovely Desiree got mentioned as someone to celebrate because of their true style. The comments, rowdily echoed the sentiment. Which proves to me, that just because someone criticizes something doesn't mean they are just shit-talking (or bullying!), they might just be as passionate as you about the subject, and this is a seriously blog-savvy (and sometimes savage) bunch,  BUT they they know their stuff. And, it seems they recognize QUALITY when they see it.
So a big sloppy citizen kiss to the folks at the Shamepuff- one for having good taste but mostly for stepping up where IFB failed, and that is taking time to use their platform to acknowledge and share unconventional and original style. If the kids at Shamepuff can do it, now, why can't you?
If you're a blogger who appreciates fashion, can you take a moment to promote someone in your sphere that inspires you? Someone who should be "top-tier" in real life, regardless of how palatable they may be to a corporate sponsor? Someone like Desiree? Or YOUR version of fabulous?
I would LOVE to see in the next two weeks, an explosion on the internet of images going viral promoting, not your own damn self, but somebody else, someone off the beaten path, that if given the platform, could be, should be as famous as our top-tiered blogger super stars? Post them on your blogs, tweet about them. If you message me or comment here with the urls, I'd love to check them out!
And one last plug to enter the Sunglasses Shop GIVE-AWAY.  C'mon, do it!