Mondays with Karen the Cat (on a Tuesday): How to Talk to Others

By Slowdownandsavor

I’m sorry that Mondays with Karen the Cat is happening on a Tuesday, but sometimes, that’s just what happens!

There’s little else that Karen the Cat loves more than feeling the fresh air on her fur. Luckily for us, our indoor kitty cat can enjoy the great outdoors through our large screened-in porch. She loves sitting out there, and basking in the sun on her couch, and talking to all the other creatures, like the birds and squirrels.

Try as I might, I’ve never been able to capture the sweet sounds of Karen talking to all her friends, but the other night, my husband was able to get it captured on video. Sweet. So I wanted to share it all with you, and maybe we can learn how to talk to others. She’s quiet, careful and quite polite, if you ask me! I wonder what she’s saying…