Mondays with Karen the Cat: Chillin’.

By Slowdownandsavor

Happy Monday, everyone! So, my Monday was actually really quite good. I had a great lunch wiht my mom at Hillside Farmacy (Stay tuned for that review!) and enjoyed a nice leisurely grocery shopping trip at HEB. Then it all went south. Yep. I hit my head at the kiddo’s tee-ball game, right on the gate door that opens up to the field. Yep. I still can’t believe I injured myself. At tee-ball.

Then I cut my finger with a knife while preparing dinner. Another silly yet painful mistake. So with a throbbing head and a bandaged finger, I took some good advice from Kare-bear.

Chill. Just chill. Take some relaxation time; even if it’s just 15 minutes. Just chill!

Does she look at all bothered that she fell off the window sill? Again? And off the bed? Again? Nope. Absolutely not. She knows how to just chill. And I plan on taking some time tonight to do just that.