Anyways, I can't believe Mother's Day has come and gone. It's almost officially summer and I feel like this year is just flying by. Can time slow down... please??
Friday was a big night... I FINALLY saw 50 Shades of Grey. I know there was a lot of controversy surrounding the film and yes, I see why. There was a whole lot of sex, nakedness, and um, some interesting stuff. But I'm not really offended easily by things like that so I wasn't too bothered. But I could understand how people definitely could be. To each their own, I guess.
Saturday we spent the day hanging around and wait for it.. we took a family nap. Yes, you read that correctly. All four of us actually got to nap at the same time. I think that's only my second nap in the past four years. Crazy, I know. And I woke up to this adorable package from ATX Mafia! How pretty is this?! I'll be sharing more about this soon enough :)
But then we headed to Riverfest downtown Columbus was our friends and had such a good time. Minus it being 100 degrees of course. But the kids enjoyed the splash pad and we enjoyed food trucks and live music. There were boutiques and booths lining the bridge over to the next city and it was super cool to see so many people out in the community. The Swon Brothers were supposed to perform at 8 but our kids had a meltdown before that and it was time to go. They can only last so long at those types of things!
And then I woke up to this on Sunday morning for Mother's Day. My husband has learned over the years that I love a good presentation. It makes the person feel special, ya know? So I think he did a pretty good job... wouldn't you say? The kids got me two Alex and Ani bangles with their initials and Zach got me a pedicure, manicure and a new wallet. They're so sweet to me and I am just so blessed to be their mama. The kids were enough of a gift but these things weren't so bad either :)
I hope you all had a great weekend too! What did you do for Mother's Day? Did you do anything else super fun? Let me know below! xo