Monday Morning Coffee

By Yonni @vegandthecity
I love coffee. I don't need the caffeine but I do crave the taste. It's definitely an addiction. I know some people (like my parents) are die hard Starbucks buyers. Others (like my brother) will pass a Starbucks for Dunkin' Donuts any day.  Me? I don't have a preference as long as it's good.
My new favorite coffee place, as of last month, is CFCF of Greenwich, CT. This roastery and cafe is right on Greenwich Avenue, a 3 minute drive from my office, and the freshly brewed cup o' joe with non-dairy milk makes this vegan pretty happy! Granted it is somehow more expensive than the venti half caf with soy but with this cool environment and non-commercial style, it's a pleasant change.
Maybe if I go there often enough I can get some vegan-friendly snacks behind the counter as well...
If you find yourself in Greenwich, stop in for a fresh cup - maybe I'll see you there!