Happy Monday friends! Wow what a weekend! This week is going to be a busy one or rather, this month is going to be a busy one ha! Already day 5 into February and we're going a mile a minute but you know- I love it!
If you watched on my Insta Stories on Saturday, you that I attended a Barry Boot camp with a few blogger buddies of mine. My sweet friend Ashley hosted it and I won't lie when I say I was a little intimated. I used to work out all the time a few years ago but you know, life after kids, it gets a little busy. I've been attempting to be a bit more consistent going to the local gym in my office building during my lunch hour but that can only get me so far sometimes. Anyways, long story short, I built up the courage to attend the class and was blown away.
It was seriously FUN. Of course, it was intense, it was hard and I grunted every step of the hour but I truly enjoyed it. Crazy right? So for today, I thought going through all that- what my Monday Mantra would be and that quote came at me which seemed perfect to talk about!
How can you be that energy people are attracted too? Simple! Just by smiling at someone, a stranger or friend, saying "Hello" or waving is infectious to give some positive energy out there.For me, I do wear my heart on my sleeve so I hate to be in a bad mood around people. That's not the energy I want to attract.
In fact, I've done a lot of 'defollowing' on my Instagram or Facebook and in my personal life of those people who also don't give me positive energy or that I feel like I should be around because I always feel down or depressed when I'm near them. I can truly be exhausting.
Saturday was a great wake up call to be around so many inspiring individuals who were getting a second ( or third, fourth or tenth ) chance at starting a healthy lifestyle and feeding off all of that positive energy to say " YOU CAN DO THIS! " and "WE'RE ALL HERE TO HELP".
So tell me friends, how can you be the energy you want to attract to others? What will you to do TODAY to start that?