Monday Mailbox!

By Pocketfulofbooks @PocketfulofBooks

Mailbox Monday! Description Mailbox Monday is a where we share the books we acquired in the week whether bought, borrowed or stole...or sent from a publisher! It is hosted by a different book blog each month; more details can be found here: Mailbox Monday.  The host for July's Monday Mailbox is Mrs Q: Book Addict Books I Bought

Title: Anna Dressed in Blood Author: Kendare Blake

I had been lusting after this book for ages and ages and suddenly it appeared through my door! I have absolutely no recollection of ordering it, but when I checked my Amazon account I had actually ordered it a few weeks ago and completely forgotten! Nice surprise!

Books Borrowed From the Library!
I am a librarian at a secondary school, and this week I pillaged the shelves of a few good looking books!

Title: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Author: C.G Bond
I have already finished this short play and I loved it! Review coming soon. It was grotesque and gruesome and melodramatic: great escapism!

Title: The Cherry Orchard Author: Anton Chekhov I know this is rather a classic play and because it looked so teeny and manageable I thought I would give it a read! 
Title: Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life Author: Bryan Lee O'Malley I am already halfway through this little graphic novel: I adored the film and this is proving to be just as fun and quirky. Perhaps targeted at a younger audience than the film was though. 

Title: Astercote Author: Penelope Lively I know absolutely nothing about this book but I was gifted a copy due to lots of spares being given to the library! It is about the Black Death in the 14th Century...sounds gloomy but I think it'll be pretty good! Title: The Canterbury Tales Author: Geoffrey Chaucer I really loved this copy and the translations seem really accessible. I read 'The Miller's Tale' while I was at school in the Old English and thought I should make myself familiar with a few of the others over the summer!
That completes my haul for another week! I went borrowing rather than buying this week which I am rather proud of!