Title: Insurgent Author: Veronica Roth FINALLY got around to buying this one. I need to re-read Divergent first so that will be something to do over the summer :-) Title: Slated Author: Teri Terry I think this book looks really good and I have heard positive things about it. Mind wipe books usually do it for me.
Title: The Plain Janes Author: Cecil Castellucci and Jim Rugg Title: Good as Lily Author: Derek Kirk Kim and Jesse Hamm Title: Kimmie66 Author: Aaron Alexovich These little graphic novels are all published by Minx which was an imprint of DC that published graphic novels aimed at teenage girls. I already have two other titles from Minx and I actually really enjoyed them! They are really fun and when I saw these for 24p each (altogether they cost less than a chocolate bar) I had to get them! Books I Won! Big thanks to Books of Amber and Simon and Schuster for my amazing new books!
Title: Amy and Roger's Epic Detour Author: Morgan Matson Title: Second Chance Summer Author: Morgan Matson I have wanted to read these books for AGES so I am so grateful that I won them! That completes my haul for another week! Love all my new additions- I think it was a case of quality over quantity :-P