Monday Inspiration: Flee

By Lifestreasury

Helloooo my amazing people, how was last week? It was an amazing one for me but I must apologize that due to some circumstances I could not post last week, thank God for divine health because the devil is a liar, many thanks to all who showed love one way or the other (will shed more light on it later), my experience will be on a post soon to encourage someone, you know every experience is a learning curve and I always love to share, but thank God I am up and running again. Yipeee!
So yeah, I am making some changes and now this blog is going to be more vibrant and full of to do's, so get ready we are going to be having take home assignments as we take the ministry to its permanent site, I am here to serve you and I am going to do that Diligently, God help us.
For today and for this week we are going to be discussing FLEE, in pidgin english "pick race" in foreign english "Run".
What are the things,who are the people you should flee from this week? today I will lay emphasis on people, as the topic goes in later weeks I will speak on characters and habits to flee from. I will be mentioning only four:
1. Joy stealers: Anything or anyone that will want to steal your joy, make your sad or make you feel down.
Action Call:
Pick your Slippers/shoe and flee.
Your happiness is your choice. Nobody is supposed to be able to make you feel sad or try to steal your joy, if a thief is coming to your house and you are aware, what do you do?  (think on that) even when a thief is not coming we guard our houses jealously, you are in charge of your house. That should be your everyday guide.
2. Negative Sayers: We know these people, people who never have anything good to say about people or things. It might just be their life, but first try to correct them but if they cannot be corrected, what do you do?
Action Call:
Catwalk in a grand style, you do not necessarily have to flee, catwalk around them and keep helping them, most times such actions of speaking bad about things is just a terrible habit that even the sayer is unaware of.  Give them space but do not runaway.
3. Wrong Company of friends: Whenever I get to speak about wrong company of friends, people ask, who are they? They are people who make you want to live a false life, shekina.
Action Call:
Whistle away, because they could be very persuasive but then you have to be bold and tell them " I AM SORRY I CAN'T" It's better you say I am sorry to bad company than become the victim to be told sorry later.
Last but not the Least:
4. The UnGodly: Those who are far from the truth, people who give you reasons or excuses to go against what the bible has to say. I will give this example, I once had this friend and one day we got talking and somehow we started the discussion of how sex is a sin (the most popular discussion ever), so while we were still debating on how it is completely wrong to have sex before marriage but then when we fall out we should ask God for forgiveness and make conscious efforts never to go back again, you know all these type of things and then he said an amazing thing, he said "Him o, that even if it is a sin, as far as God understands that it is with only one person, the sin will be lighter" *my eyes popped* which one is God will understand that it is with one person and it will be lighter, anyways let me leave it there....
So yeah, my point is, people like that It will take Christ himself to touch their hearts to see that with one person or two or three, sex before marriage is a sin and should be avoided. So what should be done?
Action Call:
Give them space and keep praying for them. Why the space you may ask? It is because you have to guard what you let into your mind, if you take the excuse the first time, second time, third time, you might want to start thinking about it which is not supposed to be, no one knows what that thought could lead to.
Keep praying for them because it might just be your assignment in that person's life.
Oh well, let's stop here...We will be discussing other things and people to flee from but let us just have this for this week.

Take home assignment for the week, YAAY!

Make a checklist of the kind of people you want to flee from this week and consciously tick them upon success. 
(You are your invigilator, so I am sure you would not want to cheat on yourself) and I will know if you did, lol. I obviously would not know but will be glad if you do not, because that is the only way you can keep check on things you do not want. 

If you have other examples of the kind of people one should flee from, please feel free to drop them in the comment box below.