Monday Inspiration: Are You Irritated?

By Lifestreasury

On our monday morning inspiration we will be discussing a topic that will make us think back and say, is it actually worth the stress?
The Life we live is not one that is supposed to irritate you. I hear people say this person is irritating, (sometimes I actually say those stuff too).  But then we are supposed to learn that taking stuff personally, creating drama over everything will actually slow down your productivity. Life is not meant to irritate you. When you let stuff irritate you it becomes a toxic way of life. You intentionally prevent yourself from enjoying your life and shining bright.
It is difficult to enjoy life and get the best result when you put your energy into things that you are not supposed to, when you take things personally, create drama and become irritated. You will bloom, shine, smile be more productive if you put little energy or no energy into all those, (although it is almost impossible not to get irritated). But when we put little energy into them we get our best self to rise to the surface and be expressed in a much healthier and productive manner.
Everyone, including yourself, benefits from your shining bright light! Happy Shining Bright and Have an amazing week.
Are you deciding to put in much energy where needed?