Monday Funny: 29.4.13

By Davidduff

Just for a change, today's 'Funny' does not come from Andra's Joke Assembly Factory but from another source closer to home, er, one of my neighbours, actually:

Viagra is now availble in teabags.

It doesn't enhance your performance but it stops your biscuit going soft!

Boom-boom - it's the way I tell 'em!

Well, of course, I can't not tell one of Andra's or she'll start throwng boomerangs or aborigines at me:

Paddy says to Mick "I found this pen, is it yours?"
Mick replies "Don't know, give it here."

He then tries it and says, "Yes it is"
Paddy asks "How do you know?"
Mick replies, "That's my handwriting."

There, that's cheered you all up on a Monday morning, hasn't it?  Sorry, did you say something . . .