Mommy and Me Monday: Fall Style

By Thesamanthashow

I went to a boutique crawl a few months back and saw these matching dresses from Robin’s Nest Boutique. And duh, I had to have them. If there’s one thing I love, it’s matching with my daughter when she’ll let me. Eventually she’s going to think it’s totally lame, so I am soaking it up as much as I possibly can.

Of course I love both of my kids but P and I are inseparable. She still co-sleeps with us so she’s literally touching me all night. And if she’s not, neither of us can sleep. Funny how that works isn’t it? She has her moments and she has been known to thrown a few temper tantrums here and there but for the most part, she’s so chill. She’s always willing to give up whatever she has if her brother wants it. She’s kind and gentle but also adventurous and tough enough to hang with the boys.

We worry about so much as a mother. But one thing I never worry about with her is her ability to sparkle and shine. She lights up a room and even at two, knows who she is and is comfortable with that. She continues to amaze me everyday and I am just so in love with my little mini me.

I know the possibilities are going to be endless in the next couple of weeks. Scarves, hats, boot socks.. OH MY! Matching with littles can be so much fun so if you have any recommendations (especially small businesses!) Let me know! And check out Robin’s Nest Boutique on Facebook for more Mommy and Me goodness! xo