Moments of Inspiration: Power of the Mind

By Lifestreasury

Hello lovelies, so sorry for the break in transmission(PHCN was not involved).
It has been an amazing season/period for me in preparation for 2016, you and I know it must not meet me by surprise.
Let me give you a brief of how this month has been thus far, I attended a workshop by an amazing lady Steph Obi, "Start your online business" it was spectacular, it is what we describe as right investment *winks* Check out her online empire here. So watch this space for something bigger by God's Grace in 2016. Oh yeeeaahh!!!
And now my program in church is on, 2016 I sight you.... You are not ready for what we have for you, I know we are all strategizing for 2016, please share your plans below, so we can tap in.
So unto today's topic,
The power of the mind.
The mind is one of the most powerful forces on the earth. It can either make a man or break a man. It is what coordinates and keeps the person going, that’s why the bible says “AS A MAN THINKETH IN HIS HEART SO IS HE”. The mind is the most important tool in our everyday life and it is the most important tool for our success.
To become something in life or not, it starts from the mind. The mind gives you the fuel to keep going in difficult and hopeless times. There’s a song I love and it goes “If I can see it, then I can do it, If I just believe it, there's nothing to it ……”. Check all the successful people in the world today and all the unsuccessful ones, what differentiated them when they were all on ground zero was their ability to think right. Wealth and Poverty are generated from our thought, even if you can't see it, who would arrest you for thinking it. THINK BIG all the time and everytime.
Let me share how our mind plays a vital role in our everyday life by using a common example, when we take coffee to read all night because we have a serious examination we tend to stay awake all through the night and not even doze for a second but when we take the same coffee when we don’t have any exam or activity to be done at night, we tend to sleep that night and even like a baby, That’s the power of the mind. When we have a serious examination, our mind knows and so it is fully alert and conscious of this fact which makes us stay awake all night but when we don’t have anything doing, our mind is also conscious of that fact and thus it is relaxed and at ease so we tend to have a sound sleep that night.
We need to build our minds, we need to be mindful of what we spend our time thinking about, as we also know that our thought give birth to our actions. Build an empire of your future in your mind, the mind is the place you create what you want to be first and then you replicate the same in real life, that is you create a blueprint of your future in your mind then actualize it. 
I hear people say “Hmm, that man has a company, he has this, he has that, God if you can just give me one car and a house, I’m fine” and funny enough because that’s what they dream about and build in their mind that what they end up getting and I wonder most time when I hear people dream that way. Don’t be scared to dream, if I ask some of us now mention whatever you want out of life, some of us will try to play safe and dream small which isn’t supposed to be so, we should use the power of our mind to the best of its capacity and we shouldn’t be afraid to dream.
Chai!!!! You do not know what you have on your inside. Wish I could scream in your ears and tell you. I can never be you and you can never be me, you are designed to be great, so think that way, think it ooo, nobody will arrest you for your thoughts, nobody will arrest you for your dreams, but they will all come with familiar spirit when they noticed you have made it.
Do you know how many relatives Dangote had when he started? when all he just did was think, try and fail...He had none, but do you know how many he has, that might be an endless count.
I want to encourage someone today to change the way they think and the way they dream
Please share your challenges with me on how you overcame with the power of your mind and if you haven’t yet, please share too so I can help counsel you.
You can also send to my email for privacy
Have a blessed day!