MOMday: Telling Twins Apart - As Told by Twins

By Khourianya @khourianya
Since it was a long weekend - I'm delivering the MOMday today ;)
I had a funny conversation with my twins in the car this morning.   As they get a bit older, they are starting to understand that they have the same face and that people are having trouble telling them apart.
Doodle:  Momma.  Kate calls me Buggie.  I tell her I'm not Buggie, I'm Doodle but she still calls me Buggie because she says we have the same faces
Buggie:  Yeah - but you know what?  We don't have the same BUMS!
Me:  Well - you can't show everyone your bums
Buggie:  but Momma - Doodle has a spot on her bum so they look different 
Me:  yeah - but maybe just try telling them with your voices first.  People will figure out ways that don't involve showing your bums.

I have this feeling that we are going to have some fun in the coming months...especially if Dood gains some weight and catches up to Bug.