If you saw Animal Planet’s Puppy Bowl X during this past Superbowl, then you should be familiar with the official carpet sponsor, Mohawk Flooring, their adorable, four-legged, yellow lab mascot, Mo and their national #ShareMoLove campaign, SmartStrand Unleashed, which highlights their pet-friendly carpet. Well Mo is back with more adventures, in a series of webisodes called “Make Room for Mo!” staring alongside Gregory Abbey and Kelly Deadmon.
We had the pleasure of attending a episode taping of nationally syndicated lifestyle TV program, The Better Show where Mo was on hand with his “Make Room for Mo!” cast members to preview the multi-episode series and highlight the durability of Mohawk's SmartStrand and SmartStrand Silk carpets.
The four webisodes went live on Friday and you can watch all four on the Mohawk Facebook Page, vote for your favorite and share it with your friends....our favorite is Night Fright. What's even more amazing, watching all four videos enters you to win one of Mohawk's popular and super cute dog bone-shaped SmartStrand Silk rugs (they're giving away 10 of the rugs pictured in the photo below) and by simply "Liking" the Mohawk Facebook Page, you're also helping Mo find homes for his furry friends as each "like" equals a $2.00 donation to and Petfinder Shelter Foundation. The contest runs May 9th – June 6th, so enter now to win this amazing rug.
What makes Mohawk's SmartStrand such an amazing product to have for homes with pets? SmartStrand is made from triexta, a stain and soil-resistant fiber made exclusively by Mohawk, that is permanently built into SmartStrand; with other carpets, the chemical stain and soil protection treatments are only applied onto the carpet surface and comes off during typical carpet cleaning, which is why these carpets get ruined quickly.
We wanted to test out the stain-resistance benefits of the SmartStrand carpet and did a test which is demonstrated in a video. With just a bit of water and a dishwashing liquid, we got rid of the merlot-colored stain as you will see below:
Love what you're seeing? Find out more about Mohawk's SmartStrand and SmartStrand Silk, updates on all their products, contests, as well as what Mo will be up to throughout the year.