Modify and Print Our Daily Schedule for Kids

Posted on the 26 September 2020 by Tal Ditye @mommyhood1O1

Stuck at home with the kiddos? Going stir-crazy!? To make the days more predictable, download, modify, and print our daily schedules for kids!

Stuck at home with the kiddos? Going stir-crazy!?

Many kids crave routines, and being home from school can make things feel unpredictable, especially with all the scary news right now.

We developed a kids schedule (for temporary or full-time homeschooling) that you can download, modify, and print, to help keep things more predictable while you're at home with the kids. Also check out our list of fun activity ideas for the kids!

Click here to download the schedule in Microsoft Word format (modifiable).

Click here to download the schedule in Open Office format (modifiable).

Right-click here to download the schedule in PDF format (not modifiable).

Or, just right-click the image below to download the image (JPG, not modifiable) version.

Educators: YES, you can download, modify, print, share, and re-use this. We made it for everyone (parents, educators, guardians, family members) to tweak as needed, so please do!

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